Sent As Humble (Poem & Prayer)


Lord, I devote this day, this season, to You. I choose to consider the grace that brought You, the Holy God choosing to come down to a fallen man on a dying planet. Jesus, You came in the humblest form to gently lead us to Your grace. Forgive me for prioritizing many things over You. I want to know and experience You more, not a religion, not church, but the only true and Mighty God. Would You reveal the ways in me that harden my heart, blur my eyes, and deafen my ears to Your goodness, power, beauty, grace, and truth that changes me so fundamentally? Lord, would You give me the grace, the capacity to know You more? I love you, my Lord and King. As changes happen in the following years, please give me the power to honor You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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